I´m trying to play Fallout3 with vorpX and a XBOX360 Controller. Fallout 3 supports this controller natively.
When the controller is activated, headtracking does not work anymore.
Is there a possibility to play Fallout3 with a XBOX360 controller and vorpX?
I would appreciate any kind of tip!
Thanks in advance,
viele Grüße,
That’s a restriction of Bethesda games: they disable mouse input when a gamepad is used.
vorpX can work around this though: set “Handle Gamepads Internally” to On to activate an internal gamepad to mouse/keyboard mapper (which should have been the default value). Then exit and restart Fallout 3. Afterwards you should be able play Fallout 3 with a gamepad and head tracking.
The gamepad mapper can be freely configured in vorpX’s gamepad menu.
Thanks for this quick response!
Ok, setting the vorpX option “handle gamepad internally” and disabling the controller in the ingame menu brings headtracking to run. Thank you!
Up to now I was not able to map the right keys to the gamepad. I´m not able to change any key bindings in vorpX´s gamepad menu. I tried to klick the respective buttons and pressed the associated button at the gamepad but nothing seems to happen. Have I overlooked something?