Fallout 4 First person view issues

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    Im new to vorpx, i just got it yesterday and i really like it. So here is my issues The HUD, weapons and arms/hand are not showing up. It was fine until i did a scan and now they are gone. Dont know if it is a profile thing or not, i also in Fallout 4 adjuested my FOV to 90 thinking i have to fix the FOV because of this. If anyone can help please let me know.

    Thanks in advance


    I didn’t try Fallout 4, but :
    – you may have to adjust Zoom in Full VR settings (unzoom).
    – there is a tab “Restore Game settings” in config app if you need it.
    – there is also a checkbox “Don’t optimize game settings” if you want to configure manually. In this case, 90 FOV isn’t enough. I usually set it to 105-120 horizontal on my Reverb G2 with a very high 4:3 resolution like 3840×2880 (it depends on your VR headset of course). You could try 110.

    90 FOV can be a lot in games which use vertical FOV but I think Fallout 4 FOV is horizontal.

    VorpX V24 allow you to use any resolution you want with virtual monitor (launch VorpX Desktop Viewer instead of VorpX, and adjust desktop resolution if needed).


    @ Boblekobold:

    Please don‘t advise newcomers to disable automatic settings. Maybe you have a reason to do so, whatever that may be, but that breaks essentially everything that makes advanced DirectVR profiles like the Fallout 4 profile great. It may even break profiles entirely if the automatically set options are required to make 3D work for example. So at the very least please never give this advice without calling it a last resort that breaks almost all good stuff an advanced profile may come with. Thanks!

    @ Woobisan:

    FOV should be set correctly automatically after running the DirectVR scan. if that fails for some reason, 110, or to be totally precise 112, would indeed be the right value here.

    Weapons are supposed to be moved out of sight unless you use them, which may only work correctly with FOV being set to the right value. You can disable this feature on the DirectVR page of the menu, but before you do that, please first try with the correct FOV. It’s actually a really awesome feature unless you like running around with a gun glued to your face all the time. :)

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