Fallout 4 Not Working; Can't Even Launch Anymore

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    After eagerly buying and installing VorpX, I was extremely excited to try Fallout 4 in VR on my Oculus (CV1). To my extreme frustration, however, nothing I do gets it to run. Once I managed to get the Oculus to acknowledge that “Fallout4.exe” was taking too long to load, but that was it. Usually it just left me idling on the Oculus home screen. I’ve followed all the reccomendations in the FAQ section to no avail. Now, I cannot even get Fallout to launch at all on my pc without an instant crash. 6 hours of work for no benefit. I am very upset.

    Please, if anyone has any help, I’d really appreciate it.


    Update: Fallout 4 launches normally upon restarting computer with VorpX not started yet. Going to test with it on.


    Fallout 4 launches normally with VorpX on, but it seems Vorp doesn’t even try to start it in VR anymore. Zero reaction inside the Oculus, both launching with watcher oon and trying the direct desktop shortcut method. I’m stuck.


    Ok, so not only did some random flash game launch perfectly in Vorp (without me even trying) EDF 4.1, a console port, also started as well without any tweaking or anything – it even ran with a ReShade mod! What the hell is going on here? No matter what I do I cannot get Fallout to run in Vorp but every other game does it by itself.


    Not really sure what to recommend here besides trying to shut down all background programs running your PC (especially virus scanner) for testing.

    Fallout 4 hooks very reliably normally, so all I can imagine is some conflict with another program also hooking into it.

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