Fallout 4 pip boy upside down

Homepage Forums Game Hints and Settings Fallout 4 pip boy upside down

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  • #128422

    Hi i just want to share if ur pip boy in FO4 is up side down due to some mod changes or even ini. changes..here…
    open console enter ” refreshini ”
    close console
    open pip boy
    close pip boy
    open console enter”fov 100″
    pip boy back to normal

    (this problem occured after i changed my resolution (other than 1080X1920)and tooks me weeks but today i found a youtube video

    I know some already knew about that, but anyways…..



    even though i dont play fo4 (waiting for bethesda to release fo4 in VR), it is nice of you to share that fix.

    always nice to see fellow Vorpx users to help others, so thank you.

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