When playing Fallout 4, if I pull up the “pipboy” menu it’s grayed out completely and you can’t see anything. You can hear the tabs moving when you press buttons, but you can’t see anything. I went through the forums and didn’t see anything similar to this. I tried the edgepeek too and it still shows gray. Without being able to use the pipboy I won’t be able to play the game in Vorpx which is a shame because it plays perfect otherwise. Any help or tips anyone might be able to give me would be great if you have the time to spare.
That should definitely not be the case. I’ll check tomorrow whether maybe a recent game update has broken some shader definitions and let you know. That can happen potentially when shaders are changed in a new game version.
What you could check right now if you have mods installed is whether the issue also occurs without mods. A mod causing the issue is another possibilty.
Thank you so much for the quick response. Actually I believe it probably is an issue on my end with one of the mods I have installed. I’ll be going through each one to see which one is causing the problem. Thanks again!