Fallout 4 – Rifle scope not working

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    First off let me say how much I am enjoying the new update. 17.1.x is great and the new Direct VR function is really a vast improvement. The only issue I am currently having is that my scopes no longer zoom in on my rifles. The image changes to a appropriate cross-hair and whatever “vision” (nightvision, etc.) but there is no zoom effect. I’m using Oculus Rift CV1. Anyone else having this issue?


    That’s an interesting observation. Since Direct VR overwrites the FOV, it’s quite liekly that the FOV change initiated by the game for the scope view gets ignored, respectively overwritten by the Direct VR FOV.

    There might be no other solution to that than a hotkey to temporarily disable the Direct VR FOV. I’ll look into it and will see what can be done. I have a vague idea for a smarter solution, but have to try it before I can say whether it might work (or not).


    Thanks Ralf.


    Hi Ralf, long shot but did you ever get anywhere with this? I’m just playing Fallout 4 Anomaly and it all looks great apart from the scopes not working.


    @Greyhaim :
    I guess you could not use DirectVR and check “Don’t Optimize game settings”.
    Then you set a very high 4:3 resolution (for Quest 3 or Reverb G2) in game (use VorpX Beta and virtual monitor to enable any resolution you need).
    I usually use 3840×2880 or at least 2880×2160 on my Reverb G2.
    Try to set ClarityFX to full (and adjust sharpness).
    Unzoom full VR.

    Then raise FOV (google “change fallout 4 fov”)

    Try 120 and adjust it until you have the right scale (remember the value, it will be approximatively the same in every game).

    Adjust headtracking sensitivity.


    Thanks for coming back to me Boblekobold.

    Still not sorted but close! I haven’t had this with other games im playing such as Starfield or Stalker Anomaly, just with Fallout 4.
    I am playing the Fallout Anomaly mod pack and it all looks really good apart from this scope thing. I have tried with as many FalloutPrefs, custom etc to match up FOV’s and done the directVR scans in game but nothing works.
    I then downloaded the 24.1.0 vorpx beta today, fired the game up and did a DirectVR scan and it worked! Scopes were working as they should and zooming in. Paused the game, it then went really blurry and crashed when i tried to reload. Now getting in game and doing the scan doesn’t change anything and scopes not working again.
    The FOV does stutter around in game so i think it might be one of the mods causing problems but with 816 mods i have not idea which one!


    It’s likely to be FRIK causing the problem if you have made any adjustments to height etc. Try running without it enabled (assume using MO2 or similar) and set world scaling defaults back… Happened to me with FalloutVR essentials mod.


    Looks like it is definitely the Direct VR mode. Switched off and scopes work as normal.

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