Fallout 76 Patch 23: game stutter and grey vorpx dialog boxes

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    Ever since patch 23 – the bug fix patch, vorpx dialog windows and setting windows have just been grey boxes with no words in them, as well as fallout 76 itself has begun stuttering and become choppy.

    Has this ever happened to any other games/ profiles since a patch? is there a fix?

    let me know what sort of logs or info you would need to diagnose this problem.

    Also let me know if i should just do a quick reinstall of vorpx or fallout.


    That sounds like they have changed shaders somewhat. You can think of shaders as sort of layers game renders on top of each other, game, shadows, fog effect, game ui etc.

    G3D profiles set every layer of the game a certain way like UI is supposed to be flat readable plain, shadows might not work and should be disabled, gun sometimes needs to be none 3d to not look wrong etc. Its really simple really to do yourself when you try to readjust different game profile to a new game.

    What you should do is enable shader authoring in vorpx settings, then in-game switch it on with Ctrl+END and cycle through shaders to see which ones are for text and for UI windows, it seems in your case shader number that was saved for a shadow or something after game patch matches texts now and vorpx just disables it.


    Confirmed. In DX11 games vorpX uses an external font rendering library, which fails when creating fonts with the latest FO76 version. No promises, but I’ll look into it.

    The choppiness is probably caused by the vorpX logfile getting flooded with error messages due to the failing font renderer calls. Feels like before to me when I skip the font rendering code altogether for testing purposes.


    Will work again in the next vorpX version. Surprisingly compiling the font library directly in the vorpX code instead of linking it in already solved the issue for whetever reason. Just wanted to try that for better debugging originally…

    Incidentally I have a maintenance release planned next week, so you won’t have to wait long.


    Thank you man, i see you are a man of culture as well. Fallout 76 Vorpx is tons of fun. I can still play the snot out of the game but if my profile gets borked i won’t be able to change settings in vorpx.

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