Fallout 76 Terminal Bug?

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    First let me say that WOW – Fallout 76 looks amazing in VorpX. I am really excited to try this game out now that the Wastelanders expansion has been released. I am however having an issue. It seems that whenever I go to a terminal (computer) in the game, it tries to enter terminal mode and instead pulls me right through the computer and I fall though the floor. Has anyone else experienced this and is there a fix or settings adjustment? I am using the offical VorpX profile for the game. Thanks in advance!


    Probably related to Direct VR positional tracking, something similar can happen when you sit down on a chair for example. Two potential solutions:

    1. Disable the positional part of DirectVR on the DirectVR page of the vorpX menu, default G3D pos tracking will still be available. So if you play with G3D that’s probably the best option.

    2. Alternatively you can temporarily disable DirectVR entirely with ALT-K before using a terminal. The shortcut can be changed in the config app.

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