After hitting “Play” on the startup screen it freezes on the title screen. Game is working in desktop mode on Windows 10 without Vorpx running. Tried running it with admin enabled in Vorpx. Anyone have any ideas? I got it from Steam after having bigger problems with Fallout 3, which I can’t get to recognize the mouse or most keyboard features with or without Vorpx running. Hoping to run the Tale of Two Wastelands mod to play FO3 through NV (and ideally transfer old FO3 saves over if that’s even possible with modded NV.) Mods are not presently installed.
Update: It wasn’t freezing after all, just needed to hit alt tab… but inside the game I can’t turn my head. View is fixed on what’s right in front of me. And right thumb stick will not rotate on the touch controller, but the buttons work. Tried a direct VR scan but it keeps failing. Any ideas? I’ve uninstalled and reinstalled both Vorpx and fallout. No mods. Using the Vorpx cloud profile.
Was able to get a DirectVR scan by moving somewhere else in the room after several attempts and then at least rotate with right thumb stick but still couldn’t look around and then it crashed. Tried this a couple more times with same result. Someone somewhere must have gotten this thing working st some point right?
Should be a no-brainer normally. Please try with a fresh, completely unmodded Fallout install and if that works, add back your mods one by one. Mods may interfere with DirectVR.