Fallout New Vegas ini files

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    I’m playing FNV with Vorpx and a lite collection of mods via MO2 called Viva New Vegas. Obviously we know the issues arising with ini redirection and Mod Organizer. However, I’ve turned off the ability for MO to change ini files.

    Here’s my problem: I ran Direct VR and set res to ‘ultra’ (I’m on Vorpx 24.10 with a 3090ti) The res is set to something like 3340 x 2280 I have bfullscreen set to 0 in falloutprefs and ‘windowed’ box checked in the NV Launcher. When I launch the game through MO it is indeed windowed but trying to display the 3340 x 2280 resolution which obviously overlaps my available screen space, resulting in not being able to click on anything in-game that’s hidden by the monitor.

    If I run via the NV Launcher the desired res is of course not available< I have to choose a much lower one. Any res I set in order to get a working screen space is then my vorpx game resolution but my mods are all available.

    I need to find a way to have the cosmetic game monitor window not be the same size as my Vorpx one. Obviously MO2 doesn’t know I’m using a secondary display via the headset. Is there something I can set in custom.ini OR will making falloutprefs.ini read-only cause problems with the Vorpx process?



    I’m thinking about using VorpX for Fallout New Vegas too and i came here to ask similar question. I was wondering, if VorpX could write it’s settings into the right ini file, which is the one that Mod Organizer 2 is using and has it saved inside it’s own file system (for anyone whos’s wondering – the “real” ini file is not used, when you run games through MO2. The utility does everything “virtually” and does not alter any game files).

    So f0zz .. are you saying that VorpX can’t change the ini file that MO2 is using? What about running the game through the game’s exe file loading a level and letting VorpX do it’s job by writing it’s settings into the game’s ini file? We should be possibly able to copy those settings into the MO2’s ini file right?

    Would be nice if Ralf could get any word on this.


    vorpX changes the .ini from within the game while hooked into it, so any of Mod Organizer’s weird file redirections *should* *hopefully* also apply to changes made by vorpX. What probably won’t work right however is later restoring a prior .ini in the vorpX config app.

    If in doubt, try playing without Mod Organizer. That way you can be 100% sure that both applying and reverting changes affect the correct files.


    Thank you for replying Ralf. Playing without MO2 means playing vanilla which is not an option for me. I think i’ll make backups of all ini files which are managed by MO2 so if something goes wrong, i’ll can go back to the flat version at least. I’ll be testing during the weekend i guess.

    Btw. Which ini file/files does VorpX change for fallout games (be it New Vegas or Fallout 4)?

    Disco Machine

    I played through NV and all DLC with around 100+ mods some months ago, and Fallout 3 with +100 mods around a year ago. Worked fine for me. I used Vortex to manage mods though and I have no experience with MO.

    I did however, not use the Launcher on either game, but rather opened the game directly with the game exe file from a shortcut I made on my desktop. I don’t really change much of the settings in the game but rather let Vorpx do it by setting it to Ultra (and whatever other settings I needed) and then restart the game for the changes to take effect.

    But yes, Vorpx does change the ini files which can be unfortunate. I managed to correct one of the worst things about playing it in VR by eliminating the awful zoom-in on faces during conversations, by changing some parameters in certain files, but Vorpx would overwrite it every time I restarted the game.

    Other than that those game were amazing in VR… totally worth the price of Vorpx.

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