Fallout: New Vegas – pip boy issue

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    Fallout: New Vegas is beautiful in stereoscopic 3d, but when I try to bring up my Pip Boy to change weapons, the UI is not in the same plane as my arm and the Pip Boy itself, making it impossible to switch Pip Boy modes to Items from Stats.

    Has anyone figured out a fix for this?

    Otherwise, everything is gorgeous.


    I have the same problem, both with Fallout 3 and New Vegas. If I change UI settings in vorpx, i can’t use pip boy. If don’t change UI – I can’t see HUD.
    Is this a common problem with Fallout games?


    The pip boy text is probably detected as HUD element. Unlikely that it will be possible for vorpX to detect when the real HUD is shown and when the pip boy is displayed.

    You can however quick-access the HUD scaling with ALT + mousewheel.


    Oh, didn’t know about that alt+mousewheel hotkey, thanks Ralf!
    I also tried a bit more permanent solution: Darnified UI allows to setup all HUD elements manually, so in Vorpx settings UI scale and Image zoom are set to 1.00 and after all manipulations game HUD looks like this
    Fallout 3 screenshot
    fallout screenshot zoomed out

    EDIT: it seems i failed to attach screenshots properly, so if anyone interested, i can send direct links.


    I’ve been meaning to try out some UI/HUD mods just haven’t got around to it yet. You could try using imgur and post the pic that way.


    Trying imgur now:

    Disabled crosshair though, because it’s hard to focus on it. And need to zoom out in dialogues, pipboy and terminal, but other than that i really like the experience. And the most amazing thing for me: when you look around with your head (not with mouse), the image does not distort!
    Edit: hooray!


    ok,I have information here, possibly useful…

    Apparently the mod enhanced camera, could solve any of these problems.

    In a external forum user ghettocat2007 says:
    You need to make a small change to the NVSE_EnhancedCamera ini file (located in Data, NVSE, Plugins,)
    You will see the below
    Can be set to a high value (e.g. 15.0) to disable zooming in during dialog
    Unlike the fDlgFocus setting in Fallout.ini, this does not affect VATS
    Change the value to 16.0
    ta da no more zooming

    PD:The message seems to be a fallout new vegas addressed,but I think it was a good idea to test.

    sorry my English,greetings.


    I also tried a bit more permanent solution: Darnified UI allows to setup all HUD elements manually,

    I set up most of my HUD with a few mods and It’s now a lot better. The only thing is there are still some HUD elements that you can’t move. Have you found a mod that lets you adjust where the activate(talk/pickup) text appears and things like that? Also being able to adjust the size of the HUD element would be great. Found any that do that? There is a great mod for Skyrim that lets you adjust basically everything(size, location, angle) its crazy. Would be great to have one that does all that for Fallout.

    ok,I have information here, possibly useful…

    I will try out this tweak thanks


    Here Is a list of the mods I use for UI so far. Some you mentioned and others are less known.

    UIO – User Interface Organizer

    One HUD – oHUD

    [WIPZ/BETA] DarNified UI NV

    Interface Mod – Revelation

    DarNified and Revelation UI Compatibility Patches for NV

    FOV Slider

    Pipboy Menu Tabbing Hotkeys

    They are all really great mods. When used together you can get some really good results.
    The 2 I like a lot are the FOV slider and Pipboy Menu Tab. The FOV slider saves your FOV settings up to 160 with the need for console every time. It also lets you change Pipboy FOV and Terminal FOV. Pipboy tabbing is a life saver as it lets you navigate the Pipboy menus with whatever you use for your movement keys. No more trying to click stuff in VR you can just navigate around.


    They are all really great mods. When used together you can get some really good results.

    Will check them out, thanks.

    Have you found a mod that lets you adjust where the activate(talk/pickup) text appears and things like that? Also being able to adjust the size of the HUD element would be great. Found any that do that?

    If you mean that red “coffee mug” message in the screenshot, then yes, you can move it around. Actually all HUD elements in screenshots can be moved around in Darnified. But i couldn’t find a way to change the size of stuff.
    I changed settings in data\menus\prefabs\DUIF3Setting.xml
    Maybe an important note: screenshots and settings are from Fallout 3.
    Almost forgot – this is the only HUD mod I’ve tried so far.


    I changed settings in data\menus\prefabs\DUIF3Setting.xml
    Maybe an important note: screenshots and settings are from Fallout 3.
    Almost forgot – this is the only HUD mod I’ve tried so far.

    OK I’ll check that out moving those would be great. I noticed it was Moriarty’s after looking closer :) I think a lot of the mods I listed probably have a Fallout 3 equivalent. You got a lot of adjustment from just editing the file. In NV you can use the mod menu to move them around with arrow keys. The only thing is that it doesn’t have all the HUD, like item/text boxes.

    This mod is a life saver too. It lets you adjust the FOV of Iron sights. I set my in game FOV to 120 with the FOV slider mod. Then in this mod you set the iron sights all to 120 FOV. Now when you raise up it doesn’t zoom or anything your just on your own with your wits and your sights. I love it, Its challenging in all the good ways.

    Unscoped Weapon Iron Sight FOV Zoom and Armor Weight Bonus by AlexMt

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