So Fallout NV is working pretty well, but whenever I bring up the PIP boy it appears colossal and right in front of my face. It makes it pretty much impossible to interact with the PIP boy in any meaningful way.
Any ideas how I can change just the PIP boy but leave the rest as it is? I tried playing around with it a bit but nothing seems to make the PIP appear at a larger distance/ smaller to make it so I can interact with it.
The best way to deal with menus that vorpX cannot scale down is switching to EdgePeek mode (ALT+MOUSEWHEEL or left (or right?) thumbstick button). In EdgePeek mode you can look around freely, which is way more comfortable for using menus, also useful for watching cutscenes.
If you haven’t done so already, check the ‘Quickstart Guide’ and the ‘Essential Hints Guide’ in the vorpX help. They contain tons of useful infos like the above.