Hey all,
I’m running into trouble with the zoom-in when initiating dialogue with an NPC. Essentially my problem is that it works exactly as it should. I’m trying to eliminate that zoom. Using the few fixes one can find online, I was able to stop the zoom when playing on monitor, but once I put my headset on it comes right back. Is launching from VorpX somehow making NV pull from a different ini that I don’t know about? For anyone interested, the changes I applied that got it working on monitor are below (made changes in fallout.ini, falloutprefs.ini and falloutprefs.ini.vorpxbak in documents\my\games\falloutnv and also in fallout_default.ini the game directory):
This one was set at 600, had to edit–> fDialogMinDistance=1200
This one was fine as it was–> fDialogMaxDistance=2000
This one was set at 55.0000–> fDefault1stPersonFOV=75.0000
This one I had to add to ‘interface’–> fDlgFocus=16.0