Far Cry 3 no longer works?

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    Just wondering is Far Cry 3 no longer working? I did all the troubelshooting steps around here. At first it kept telling me FarCry3 has stopped working as soon as it should have come up on the Rift. After going through all the troubleshooting (disabling overlay, creating shortcut, pausing the watcher, Uplay Offline mode, now it just no longer hooks and starts on the desktop normally.

    99% sure I did everything listed all over the forum just wondering if anyone else is able to get it working or if its possibly a uplay update that is now preventing it from working.


    If this is happening with the DX11 version of the game, you might have to try a few (or many) times, or better switch to DX9. In DX11 there is a long outstanding issue with frequent startup crashes in FC3 and some other Ubisoft games.

    This will finally be fixed in the next vorpX release, but for now trying often or switching to DX9 is what you can do.


    If this is happening with the DX11 version of the game, you might have to try a few (or many) times, or better switch to DX9. In DX11 there is a long outstanding issue with frequent startup crashes in FC3 and some other Ubisoft games.

    This will finally be fixed in the next vorpX release, but for now trying often or switching to DX9 is what you can do.

    Thanks, the first thing I did was switch to DX9. For future reference is DX9 always going to be more stable, or are their cases where DX11 is better for vorpX?


    This is (soon was) a very special Far Cry/Ubisoft related issue. DX11 in general isn’t less (or more) stable than DX9 in any way.


    I am still unable to get Vorpx to work with Farcry 3. I have tried running it in DX9, mode but the Oculus headset just says that “Farcry.exe is taking a while to load”, even though it is running perfectly well on my monitor.

    Has anyone been able to find a solution to this?


    Has anyone got it???

    Guys, when i start the game , farcry 3 freezes….

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