I tried to use Far Cry 4 with Vorpx 0.8.1 and Oculus runtime v6.0.1 and 5.0.1 and extended desktop (landscape flipped 1920×1080 standard) and no matter how far the game launch I started it would crash every time.
So I cant think of anything else and I need help plz :)
In case you didn’t do that already please go offline in Uplay like mentioned in the startup message. The game exits after connecting to the Uplay server otherwise. Probably some anti-cheat check that conflicts with vorpX.
I dont think thats the problem because the game crashes even if it is blocked by firewall.I am using v1.9.0 maybe i should use 1.8.0?Anyway I don’t know what to do with this problem.
Nothing I recommend except from the above as the issue is not reprocucible here. So all I have is a rather general hint unfortunately: maybe you have something running on your PC that also hooks into games and interferes with vorpX. Might be a graphics driver add-on, chat software or anything else that can display something over a game window. Disabling the Uplay in-game overlay may also be worth a try.