That’s a nice trick. Thanks a lot man, I tried every other possible solution to launch Far Cry 4 with VorpX and it crashed at start-up every time. Disabled Uplay overlay, gone offline, disable Steam overlay, MSI afterburner, antivirus, everything…VorpX desktop shortcut for better hook chance…nothing worked. I almost gave up, re-enabled all overlays and tried your solution, resuming Watcher after the loading bar passed 50%…VorpX hooked, launched campaign, tweaked settings for perfect image…works flawlessly.
Also I might add that Far Cry 4 is a good game to be played with VorpX:
– minimum zoomed-in effect due to high FOV setting, especially combined with Letterbox 2
– very well optimized, runs great oh high settings
– visible HUD in-game on DK2 thanks to VorpX’s Game Settings optimizer for Far Cry 4
– very nice experience with driving, gliding, combat
– great graphics, atmosphere, physics…it’s a Far Cry game after all