Far Cry New Dawn (G3D)
Like the Experimental G3D profile I did for Far Cry 5, this one too is still work-in-progress experimental with some lighting and terrain artifacts remaining. It’s not the prettiest, but it is functional for anyone wanting to try it.
I used a Viewmodel FOV Mod this time to make for a better FullVR view, I only wish it applied to driving vehicles as well.
Get the mod from nexus here, choose the FOV 90 one, and follow the installation instructions on the description page.
– install the Viewmodel FOV 90 mod
– use a 16:9 resolution (2560×1440, 3072×1728 good for Reverb)
– set FOV to max 120 in advanced video settings
– set all graphics to Low, motion blur Off, but TAA and HD textures On
– set reticle to Centered in gameplay settings
*Adjustable HUD
*Edgepeek for better vehicle driving
*Hide all shadows with G3D Shadow Treatment
*Tested on HP Reverb with mouse and keyboard