Feature request

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    Been having a great time playing The Outer Planets in VR mode. Would love to someday see a G3D profile of course, but since this is a first-person perspective game G3D isn’t too bad!

    One issue I’ve consistently had is cut-scenes, terminals and the like. I can switch to edge-peak with a hotkey, but there is still so much jitter and screen shaking movement that it isn’t great.

    What really works well is setting up Virtual Cinema mode (in whichever way you wish) and swapping into that for cut-scenes, terminals etc. That works really well, but of course I have to use the OSD to manually do so.

    It would be cool to have a single hotkey that could swap any two modes I wished (i.e. like the toggle for Z3D/G3D), or failing that cycle through all modes, or failing that be able to assign every mode a specific hotkey. As far as I can tell that isn’t something I can currently do. Right?

    Thanks for the hard work and the updates!


    BTW, if I haven’t mentioned it, thanks for making traditional 3D modes easy to access. It’s really nice to be able to just throw on my 3D glasses and play many games on my 3D display instead of my HMD. And TBH in many cases I just feel a lot of the games I play are better suited that way anyway (i.e. my racing Sims and first person games are fantastic on the HMD, but I would much, much rather play titles like Dragon Age on my 3D display.) This is a feature I already use and will certainly use a lot more.

    But since I’m here nagging about feature requests, I’ll stick this one here: any chance you might support other modes in the future? SBS is fine, but it’s only one of quite a few modes, and for some reason or another certain displays are known to look better in different modes even when they support an array of them. In my case my display is definitely a bit better in Above/Below aka Top/Bottom mode than it is in SBS mode.


    I tried the Generic 3D Display option with Virtual Desktop (PC version). The Virtual Desktop screen is so much more flexible. So far, i’ve finished INSIDE with that method. Too bad it’s not an officially supported mode.


    There are two issues with going through Generic Mode.

    One is as mentioned the format to provide stereoscopy. This tends to be a mess and almost all formats have compromises and limitations. Half-SBS will reduce the horizontal resolution. Depending on the source this can be more or less of a problem. Most passive 3D displays work better with Half-TAB due to how the polarizing filters are oriented.
    Frankly I don’t know why we don’t have a common/standard format based on color space.
    The idea is you will lose details unless all of your software and hardware in the chain supports Full-SBS/TAB.

    The other has to do with FPS limiting and synchronization. This only applies to an HMD where there is a separate render task for VR which takes quite a bit of resources. vorpX will adjust the game FPS based on performance and synchronize frames to allow stutter-free VR rendering. When using vorpX Generic Display + Virtual Desktop this does not happen. It will work fine for something like INSIDE, but anything heavier on the GPU will result in a stuttery mess.


    Most passive 3D displays work better with Half-TAB due to how the polarizing filters are oriented.
    Frankly I don’t know why we don’t have a common/standard format based on color space.
    The idea is you will lose details unless all of your software and hardware in the chain supports Full-SBS/TAB.

    Yeah, ‘back in the day’ I ran all industry-standard HDMI 1.4a stereoscopic rendering on a 720P DLP (projector) using frame-packing (hence my familiarity with TriDef for quite some time, as it supported this format). This meant I was getting a full 60hz 720 display at 30hz per eye. I put this together very carefully as driving stereoscopy was really fringe back then, and the power to do so meant that driving 720p was way easier than driving 1080p. The quality, even at 6 feet wide was BETTER than any HMD I’ve ever seen because you were getting (except for 2d elements) a different set of 1280×720 pixels in each eye. In many ways the entire VR craze has been a step backwards for me. It’s been great for a few things, like racing SIMS where it’s absolutely the bee’s knees, but in the end the VAST majority of what I like is really more about stereoscopy and CLARITY than ‘VR’. It’s why I had to wait for a relatively high-quality HMD before I could invest; I absolutely cannot tolerate the blurry mess of anything below the Pimax 5K+ resolution; and it’s only barely enough. Even with this I have to push the in-game rendering resolution as close to 4K per eye as possible to get the clarity I consider minimally acceptable (for VR mode. For virtual cinema mode 2560×1440 is good enough.) I can’t wait to get something better. Someday.

    Anyway, the difference between SBS vs Top and Bottom is enough to make me use SuperDepth3D instead of vorpX in every possible case where it works on my current 3D display (unless vorpX were to happen to have a working G3D profile for a game I suppose, but so far only Fallout 3 has worked well for me in G3D mode and I play that on my HMD.) In general, you don’t really get a quality degradation over ‘flat’ 1080p anywhere except in 2D elements, where it can be very apparent. But if you are rendering 2 different sets of pixels, each at 1/2 1080p resolution, and presenting those different pixels to each eye, then your brain basically reconstructs them as just as high-quality as 1080p.

    I would hope that adding support for a number of other 3D formats wouldn’t be that big a deal? In the end it would be great to use vorpX alone for many of these titles.

    BTW, while I’m being a nagging pest and asking for features; being able to use ReShade with vorpX would be *huge*. ReShade can downright *fix* many problems with modern games. Fallout 4, for example, has two AA modes; ‘jaggy’ or ‘vaseline all over the lens.’ Can be completely fixed in 5 minutes with ReShade and can’t really be fixed without it. Not being able to use ReShade in combo with vorpX is a pretty big bummer, at least in some titles. It’s great to have the basic vorpX adjustments of course, and they are very much appreciated; sharpness, saturation, etc., but in the end they are limited compared to ReShade.


    (for VR mode. For virtual cinema mode 2560×1440 is good enough.) I can’t wait to get something better. Someday.

    Yeah, that is the bare minimum for a decent experience.

    In general, you don’t really get a quality degradation over ‘flat’ 1080p anywhere except in 2D elements, where it can be very apparent. But if you are rendering 2 different sets of pixels, each at 1/2 1080p resolution, and presenting those different pixels to each eye, then your brain basically reconstructs them as just as high-quality as 1080p.

    With G3D rendering at half horizontal/vertical resolution there shouldn’t be much quality loss compared to a full frame. However with Z3D there is some added aliasing because rendering is done at full resolution, then AA is applied, then the image “cut” in half.
    This is clearly visible in these screen grabs from Depth 3D taken while I was testing Super3D (a color-space 3D format between Depth3D VR effect and the VR Companion App).
    For me in some games it’s quite annoying while in others I can barely notice it.


    Just a heads-up that vorpX always renders at full resolution originally. For the SBS output in ‘Generic 3D Display’ mode where the images are scaled down to half width afterwards that means the final SBS image is 2×1 supersampled.


    The issue isn’t with Generic Display itself. With Full-SBS you would get the “super” image without “sampling” so there is some loss in Half-SBS, however it’s barely noticeable on a 3D screen, at 1440p you might not even be able to tell.
    However when that is rendered on an HMD there is one full screen for each eye (or equivalent on a very wide screen). The VR software has to upscale the sampled halves back to the original size. This is where some aliasing is likely being introduced.
    I didn’t mention the images are of the left HMD screen taken though SteamVR. The full images are here: https://imgur.com/a/dVszJSV
    Now that I think about it there might also be some issues with Depth3D’s sampling. I’ll test some more with vorpX Generic Display and with a game’s built-in SBS support.


    … has to upscale the sampled halves back to the original size.

    Obviously. I just wanted to point out that vorpX never renders at half width. The actual game rendering is always done at full size.

    When you output SBS with vorpX in ‘Generic 3D Display’ mode each eye is rendered at full width and then scaled down to half width, hence the resulting SBS image is 2×1 supersampled, i.e. better as if the actual rendering would have been done at half width.


    I managed to grab some screens from Generic Display, Depth3D and the game’s built-in SBS as well. The first two are pretty much the same (Depth3D also renders a full frame since it’s just a Reshade filter). Both of them look better than the game’s built-in SBS which renders at half resolution (in line with what Ralf’s point).
    sbs comp
    The issue still stands that there is a loss from the full frame in all cases. So using vorpX to render directly to the HMD is better in terms of image quality than Generic Display SBS + Virtual Desktop.


    Using vorpX directly is always better, not just because of the obvious image quality loss from the Full > SBS > Full scaling. You gain nothing, lose 80% of what vorpX can do, and add unnecessary performance issues on top of that.

    The only reason the SBS output exists is because some users requested it for use with 3D TVs and projectors. DO NOT use it for some weird construction with an extra tool that captures the SBS image and displays it in the headset. That’s entirely pointless.


    To be clear, my initial point about was just hoping that we might get support for formats other than SBS at some point, as it’s not uncommon for 3D displays to look better in other formats.

    In my case the difference between how poor my display looks in SBS as compared to Top and Bottom means that even though vorpX has some advantages (including better performance in Z3D mode than current revisions of ReShade) I end up using SuperDepth3D instead fairly often.


    It’s not pointless if you appreciate the screen adjustability of that weird tool as i pointed out. But i get your point.


    Just for the record: I didn’t say VD is weird, it’s not. Not really a must-have if you have vorpX, but of course it’s a very well featured desktop viewer. What I said was that using vorpX in ‘Generic 3D-Display’ SBS mode and then grabbing the resulting image with VD is weird. There really isn’t anything to gain by that: worse image quality than using vorpX as intended, more stutter/judder, pretty much all vorpX features except basic 3D creation unavailable. Just not something you should even consider to do.

    That aside:

    Although originally the immersive screen controls were intentionally simple, I’m fairly sure by now the vopX screen is at least as customizable, if not more, since there had been so many requests in the past for this or that special case. You can scale it from about 0.5-5m height, change the distance from about 0.5-10m, bend it in both dimensions, tilt it to make it work reclined, apply gamma/sharpening filters, apply two different backgrounds for normal/EdgePeek view and so on.


    That sounds nice Ralf. I have to take a look at those features. I forgot that you added something similar.

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