Feature Request Invert Y Headtrack

Homepage Forums Technical Support Feature Request Invert Y Headtrack

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  • #200018

    Hello New Customer, bought vorpx today.

    Started tweaking the setup for Cyberpunk 2077.

    All is good but I cannot figure out how to make head tracking Y axis normal when I play Y axis inverted on Mouse. Basically like this when i look up with my headset, I look down on screen… catch 22. Hope there is an option I am missing.

    Been playing like that for 30 years there is no going back :( :(

    I went into the config menu in-game and saw many options but didnt see anything about headtrack invert Y.

    Thanks nice product!


    DISREGARD. I didnt see the next pages in the in-game menu. Apologies. Found the invert-Y headtrack option I’m in heaven.

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