First time user, Vive base stations question!

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    OK, I only want to be able to run the vive with stereoscopic mode with Diablo3, but my PC is remote from my full scale area with the stations. Do I need to have headset tracking at all if I’m just doing basic stereo viewing use? Sorry if it’s dumb question, I tried another software that DOES require full tracking, I’d like the vive to simply be a 3D viewer. Possible? How? No demo so I can’t even check myself.


    That would be a very uncomfortable way of playing any game. You almost certainly would get dizzy/nauseous after a short while even with strong “VR legs”. Don’t try that.


    it’s third person perspective game, it SHOULD be played stationary. If it was FPS then of course my question would be stupid. I assure you, I am not.

    Looking for a useful response now….


    You seem to be misunderstanding the way the vive and Vorpx works.
    If you want to play a stationary 3rd person perspective game your choices are:

    1] Play it in cinema mode, which VorpX can do. Like a huge 3d monitor.

    2] Don’t play it.

    Cinema mode requires head tracking. You could turn it off in Vorpx and then you’d have to keep your head absolutely still. But as Ralf said that’s a bad idea.

    You can’t move the headset to another room, the compositor for SteamVR requires head tracking lighthouse data [the base stations] to send any image to the Vive.


    Will the Vive work without lighthouses?
    byu/goalcam inVive

    Best solution: Same room, folding table, wireless mouse and keyboard.

    Hope that was useful.


    I believe the Vive will simply show grey if there is no head tracking of any kind. You need at least one base station.

    If you are playing in the same room where the main setup is just make sure the headset can see one of the stations.
    If it is not in the same room you can make a seated setup with one base station – you need to change the channel of the station to “A”. You can place the station anywhere in the other room as long as the headset can see it and it is higher than your head.

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