FluidSync and cinema mode

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  • #198906

    Hi !

    If a game on virtual screen ( cinema mode ) runs at 45 fps, by activating fluidsync, it’s as if we were playing with a 90 fps fluidity (90hz headset) on the virtual screen ( 45 fps X 2 ) ?

    What happens if the game goes down to 30fps? Will Fluidsync be disabled and the virtual ROOM + virtual SCREEN will run at 30 fps?
    Or only the virtual screen will be running at 30 fps, and the virtual room will stay at 90 fps?

    (I can’t understand if the virtual room framerate ans virtual screen framerate are linked or if they are dissociated.)


    If your fps falls to 30, the hmd will still run at it’s refresh rate, provided that your gpu has the power to do so.

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