FO76 no launch – shows in task manager for 2 seconds then closes

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    I have disabled all overlays, have no AV software, in fact no software aside from steam, vorpx, and virtual desktop streamer are the only extra programs running right now. I launch the game from steam, same as title. I launch from a vorpx created shortcut on desktop, same as title. I adjust hook method, same as title. I pause watcher, game loads fine but obviously no vorpx.


    Solved: Game required me to use oculus instead of steamvr for device selection.


    I am also having this issue since the Windows 10 update. Basically, if I run the Bethesda Launcher and launch Fallout 76, it will launch if VorpX is off. However once I turn VorpX on, it just cycles through. I hit “Play” in the launcher, it goes “Checking for Update,” then “You’re Up to Date”. The Play button turns to “Running” and then it just stops and goes back to Play. It simply won’t launch the game. Any suggestions?


    Also I should add that I have always used SteamVR with VorpX. I tried using Oculus based on Joffie87’s suggestion but the same thing is happening. Anything you can suggest, Ralf? Thanks in advance.


    Just downloaded the latest game update and checked the game. Working fine here. Only thing I can suggest is checking for potential conflicts with other programs that may also hook into games. Basically anything that can show an overlay in games would be a potential candidate, also any CPU/GPU tool. The pinned trouble shooting guide on top of this sub forum has more detailed info on the matter.

    BTW: Unless something doesn’t work with native Oculus, native Oculus is the better choice. SteamVR adds an unnecessary layer of overhead with Oculus headsets.


    I’m also having trouble with Fallout 76 on my new computer. I have an HP Reverb G2 headset, so I set vorpX to WMR then launch FO76 from Steam. One of two things happens: either the “Play” button switches to “Running…” for about 2 seconds then it stops and switches back to “Play”, or I can get it running with SteamVR but then I’m not benefitting from OpenVR in vorpX (and vorpX notices and gives a tip saying I should switch). Close vorpX and FO76 runs fine (but pancake, eww!). I have nothing else running at all; I’ve only had this computer for 2 days and this is just about all I have installed so far.

    I was running FO76 successfully with OpenVR on my old laptop for a few days after the new vorpX version released, and I really noticed and appreciated the improved performance! I bumped up a few display settings and still got a better frame rate, it was great. I don’t know what’s different on my new computer — well okay, everything’s different, but something is preventing FO76 from launching with vorpX’s OpenVR.

    Does anyone have ideas of what to try or how to diagnose the problem?

    I noticed at one point during my fiddling around that even with vorpX set to WMR headset, launching FO76 would cause SteamVR to start up? Why would SteamVR start when launching a non-VR game? And within the SteamVR overlay I could “quit vorpX” (instead of “quit Fallout 76”). It seems like SteamVR was launching because it detected that vorpX required it?


    Just checked the game a few days ago without encountering any issues (see above), so there isn’t really much more I can suggest than in my last reply.

    Only other thing that comes to mind is that maybe WMR may not be set as your OpenXR runtime. Try to open the WMR portal, it will check on start whether WMR is registered as OpenXR runtime and complain if it isn’t. SteamVR shouldn’t be running at all while using OpenXR with a WMR headset. If SteamVR launches with the game although you are sure that WMR is set as OpenXR runtime, please double check whether vorpX is really set to OpenXR in the config app.


    I’m having the same issue with my Vive Pro Eye, regardless of headset type selection.
    Using Revive for Oculus compatibility layer gives the same results as SteamVR.

    Faulting application name: Fallout76.exe, version:, time stamp: 0x607c7eb5
    Faulting module name: ucrtbase.dll, version: 10.0.19041.789, time stamp: 0x2bd748bf
    Exception code: 0xc0000409
    Fault offset: 0x0000000000071208
    Faulting process ID: 0x935c
    Faulting application start time: 0x01d74bcd67598429
    Faulting application path: C:\Program Files (x86)\ Launcher\games\Fallout76\Fallout76.exe
    Faulting module path: C:\WINDOWS\System32\ucrtbase.dll
    Report ID: 7ca3e856-bc84-47d1-baa2-bd01b97eaf08
    Faulting package full name:
    Faulting package-relative application ID:


    Note: The above crash happens the same way using both the Steam and Bethesda Launcher versions of the game. (I have both installed, one with texture/UI mods and one unmodded for Nuclear Winter.)


    What Demuse describes is the exact issue I’m having: “Play” button switches to “Running…” for about 2 seconds then it stops and switches back to “Play”. It just fails to launch. I’ve tried closing everything. The only thing I have running here is Windows Security rather than Windows Defender, but even there I have turned everything off and still won’t launch. Once I kill VorpX, the program launches fine, but in pancake. I guess I can deal with flat view for a while..


    Can’t replicate this for the life of me, sorry guys. Would be great if could send me some trouble shoot data that would allow me to check whether your systems maybe have something in common that could potentially cause the problem:

    1. Try to launch the game.
    2. After it crashed create a trouble shoot data archive in the config app
    3. Send the archive to support at vorpx com.


    j’ai eu aussi le probleme .contourner le systeme !!!
    -1- lancer Fallout 76 en mode fenetre sans bordure
    -2- lancer Vorpx en mode desktop viewver
    -3- repasser sur Fo76.
    surement un probleme de pilote ???.(carte nvidia 1080 ?)
    bon jeux a tous !


    I’ve followed the 1,2,3 instructions and emailed a troubleshooting data archive created after trying to launch the game. Thanks for taking a look!

    Edit: If the troubleshooting data shows multiple monitors attached, please note I have also tested this with the other monitors removed, with the same results.


    Checked your logfile, no good news unfortunately. The game crashes extremely early without even the exception handler kicking in, quite unusual. The last action in the log is vorpX trying to install the basic D3D hooks. If it wouldn’t work for me, I’d say looks like some anticheat system exiting the game on purpose. That can’t be it though in this case.

    Whether the crash is directly related to the hooking process or happens shortly after is difficult to tell given that no exception is thrown. Assuming the first, I’d suggest to try disabling any background process you may have running that may also hook into games/the graphics pipeline.

    Also switching between regular/alternative hooking in the config app (General/Misc.) is worth a shot. With some luck that can help to deal with hooking conflicts.


    Thanks for the feedback, I’ll try the suggestions and let you know if anything solves it.

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