Forever Skies is a new Unreal 4 game. I have tried various unreal profiles of other games with no success (it hooked depending on the settings but without 3D-effects). Finally I got it running with the:
Medieval Dynasty (G3D) cloud profile
As with many other unreal games you need to link the profile to the Shipping.exe hidden deeper in the game folder (ForeverSkies-Win64-Shipping.exe). Do not link it to the standard ForeverSkies.exe
…Steam\steamapps\common\Forever Skies\ProjectZeppelin\Binaries\Win64\ForeverSkies-Win64-Shipping.exe”
Do not forget to set the game to DirectX11.
All 3D modes work. As usual Geometric 3D is the best but some (not often used) special textures have wrong weird reflections effects. (Perhaps that could be fixed with the global illumination treatment settings in vorpx.)
The immersive VR mode comes with a mismatching mouse pointer. It seems optimized for full VR-mode-use and is a bit off in the immersive mode. Annoying but after a while you figure and learn where to click.
Have fun