I can’t seem to post links to the download page, but if you google “playfh2” you should find the free standalone version. There are alternative installers if you already have Battlefield 2 installed.
Launcher Settings:
– start game with FH2Launcher.exe
– set bot number (95 is max for even fight, 121 gives Allies the remainder)
– set bot skill (80% recommended)
– use a 16:9 resolution (3840×2160)
– set all graphics to high if you wish
Singleplayer Instant Battle = even teams conquest match
Co-op = choose team ratios for lopsided teams
Recommended Match Settings:
– in game, click Multiplayer>Create Local and choose Co-op mode
Time limit = 0
Max players = 1
Spawn time = 1 second
Ticket ratio = 999
Bot ratio = 100
Number of Bots = 48 (max possible for Axis team)
Bot difficulty = 80
Rounds per map = 1
Friendly fire = off
Auto balance = off
Choose your list of maps to play, Start Server, and enjoy!
*hide hitmarkers and HUD in options, all color sliders to 0, all transperancy sliders to 100%, or console command “renderer.drawhud 0”
*Enter key to pull up spawn menu, C to toggle vehicle camera, F2 etc to switch seats
*freecam by closing the spawn menu X top right, push spacebar to jump into cam, then movement keys to control, shift to slow down
*tested on Pimax8k and RiftCV1, best played with fullscreen cinema/immersive