Future Project? Elite Dangerous:Odyssey

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    I’m wondering how vorpX might be able to handle an upcoming VR/non-VR situation?

    Elite Dangerous Odyssey is a first person shooter addition to Elite Dangerous. ED is already well known for its VR support, but they are opting NOT to use VR for the first person shooter elements when you get out of your ship. Instead VR users will have a Theater Mode kind of flat screen within their VR view to use.

    So, I’m wondering, will it be possible to use vorpX to turn the Odyssey portion of the game into VR, and still go back to ED’s usual VR when in a ship, or would you need to create a way to link the whole experience to vorpX’s control?


    I’d be highly interested in this as well. Especially if it’s possible to toggle between vorpX for the new content and the games native VR support for old content.
    Here is some info about Elite Dangerous: Odyssey and their plan for VR.

    I’m quoting from the following link:

    “In Odyssey, players will be able to fly down to planets, fly through atmospheres and drive along planet surfaces in their SRVs – all while remaining in VR.
    When disembarking your ship or SRV, players will be presented with a projected flat game screen in their VR headset in order to continue on foot. Players will of course be able to remove headsets if they so choose, but this will not be a requirement to continue your adventure.”


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