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- This topic has 14 replies, 3 voices, and was last updated Jan 25, 2020 1:31am by
Jan 22, 2020 at 10:41pm #192027
I’ve recently bought vorpX and as far as i’ve used it i’m pretty dissapointed.
I’ve tested 3 games right now:
– Aliens Isolation,
– Crysis Warhead.In Aliens Isolation and SOMA both games was in window in googles (just a 3D window in front of me) moreover both games got strange blur when i was looking around – pretty frustrating and gave me motion sickness (i’ve played a lot of games so far without this problem).
In Crysis Warhead i’ve also got some problems but this time with controler (i’ve used gamepad) which seems to not work from time to time (i couldn’t move sides sometimes or turn around).
I’m not sure maybe i’m doing something wrong but for $40 this software is pretty shitty…
Jan 22, 2020 at 10:48pm #192028Ralf
KeymasterTwo of the three games (Soma and Crisis Warhead) aren’t officially supported. Unsupported games always open in ‘Immersive Screen Mode’ per default. vorpX does not automatically turn every game you throw at it into a perfect VR game.
If you haven’t done so already, check the ‘Essential Hints Guide’ in the help. It explains a few basic concepts. Reading that saves a lot of unnecessary frustration.
You may also want to check the ‘Good FullVR Games for Beginners’ list, which contains a compilation of games that vorpX has profiles with a high degree of automation for. Good for hopping right into the action without understanding how to make unsupported games work yourself in the best possible way.
Jan 23, 2020 at 1:24am #192034torm
ParticipantWell i’ve tryed:
– Crysis – doesn’t even start.
– Shadow Warrior 2 – Everything is so much upscaled, dark (it’s heavy to see anything), when i’m turning or moving everything is shuttering – it’s unplayable.
– Bioshock – far now the best – working pretty god but still everything is so upscaled.I think i will not using vorpX for now i believe you shouldn’t charge money for this software. Where and how can i get my money back?
Jan 23, 2020 at 3:23am #192035TheBalt
ParticipantWell i’ve tryed:
– Crysis – doesn’t even start.
– Shadow Warrior 2 – Everything is so much upscaled, dark (it’s heavy to see anything), when i’m turning or moving everything is shuttering – it’s unplayable.
– Bioshock – far now the best – working pretty god but still everything is so upscaled.I think i will not using vorpX for now i believe you shouldn’t charge money for this software. Where and how can i get my money back?
You purchased a product that requires some ‘work’ from the user because it is doing something that was simply never intended – turning 2d games into VR experiences. Your computer, resolution, game settings and vorpx settings ALL play into this.
the games you have complained about i have made run very well and enjoyed even on an old card, im using a gtx 780.
I am not the creator of vorpx… but as a long time user, i can tell you that your complaints are 100% rectifieable, by you, if youre willing to put the time in and just fiddle with settings for a few minutes. Its literally impossible to make a perfect profile for every PC and headset – you need to use your game settings and the vorpx in game menu to get the games looking as theyre ‘supposed to’, unless theyre one of the directVR officially scanned games. Crysis not launching is 99% chance a driver issue or something and not vorpx’s fault. If you want to totally refresh your drivers and see if that rectifies your launching problems, there is a program called DDU, google it, itll basically reset all your drivers/directx info and set you up with a ‘fresh’ graphics card and that may fix your crysis problem… i really doubt its related to vorpx unless something else is fundamentally broken in your system
Jan 23, 2020 at 5:00pm #192038TheBalt
ParticipantWell i’ve tryed:
– Crysis – doesn’t even start.
– Shadow Warrior 2 – Everything is so much upscaled, dark (it’s heavy to see anything), when i’m turning or moving everything is shuttering – it’s unplayable.
– Bioshock – far now the best – working pretty god but still everything is so upscaled.I think i will not using vorpX for now i believe you shouldn’t charge money for this software. Where and how can i get my money back?
I wanted to add, the reason for my previous post trying to encourage you to keep the program isnt just because it does work when you find the rights settings.. but ive put it thru absurd scearios and the part that always works is vorpx.
I played Dark Souls 3 with a First person cheatengine mod with Geometry3d.
I played Mass Effect Andromeda with a first person mod with vorpx and geometry 3d.
I am currently in a first person mod playthru, with vorpx, in Sekiro.
This program can make games play in a way you never thought possible, coupled with the proper mods and stuff. Sekiro in first person VR is intense and amazing, Mass effect gets a bad rap but man, just gameplay wise in first person with that games insane combat system was an absolute blast.
I didnt mean to sound demeaning toward you in the previous post, i apologize, i just wanted to emphasize what this program CAN DO when you just work with it a little bit.. its totally up to you to ask for a refund, im not sure of those policies and like i said, i have nothing to do with the staff or company or anything, just a user… but this program has changed games i never thought would be fun to return to (like deus ex) or games into entirely new experiences like Sekiro modded out.
If you already got your refund and are done with it, all good.. just wanted you to know, this program has potential for incredible gaming experiences if youre willing to put the time into getting your settings right.. it sucks that the settings arent an easy across the board thing, but, it really just depends on each computer and their setup and preferences for how they want to play… what may seem like too complicated of options right now for you are going to be exactly the options you want once you learn the program a little bit. My best bet would maybe look around youtube for vorpx tutorials to maybe get your feet wet on the fundamental stuff..
but really man.. it made mass effect andromeda not suck. :P hooray for vorpx, they saved the mass effect franchise for me :) lol
Thanks for your time, sorry for bugging on your post twice
take care!
Jan 23, 2020 at 10:18pm #192040torm
ParticipantHi Balt – i sure believe it worked out for you – but i’m not that kind of user.
Honestly – when i paid $40 for a software i expect it to run “out of box” – and i don’t have to manage all this setting for every game.
As i mentioned before i’ve tryed Alien Isolation on vorpX and it’s suck pretty bad. Then i’ve tryed free VR mod for that game and… it was outstanding – like the game was already wrote for VR – if you don’t believe me just check this out: https://github.com/Nibre/MotherVR/releases (for now i recommend 0.6.0 version cause 0.8.0 got some ugly bug with pressing the button all the time). But still on 0.6.0 it works very well.
When i’ve started same game using vorpX i’ve got small like cinema window, everything was upscaled and controls wasn’t working to well. Probably i could tweak it a little to get better results but be honest – i will never get same results as with the FREE mod.
So i’m not telling that vorpX sucks and it is trash, but i believe it is not worth $40 – it should be free of charge to the time it doesn’t start to work properly.
Jan 23, 2020 at 10:33pm #192041torm
ParticipantI’ve tryed out some common issues solutions as wrote in the support FAQ but still it gives not good results.
I’ve manage to make higher FOV in Bioshock (so it lower the image zoom and made things less upscaled) but then i’ve got strange distortion when looking around – it kills the immersion…
… to be honest if free mod for some game can to better work than software for $40 it’s worth to think about it ;)
Jan 23, 2020 at 11:54pm #192043TheBalt
ParticipantAs i mentioned before i’ve tryed Alien Isolation on vorpX and it’s suck pretty bad. Then i’ve tryed free VR mod for that game and… it was outstanding – like the game was already wrote for VR – if you don’t believe me just check this out: https://github.com/Nibre/MotherVR/releases (for now i recommend 0.6.0 version cause 0.8.0 got some ugly bug with pressing the button all the time). But still on 0.6.0 it works very well.
Alien Isolation WAS developed for VR. It was a sideproject inside the development process while the DK2 was released. When Alien Isolation released on day 1 you could command line it to do VR with an Oculus DK2.
This is an entirely apples and bananas scenario, when you bring in games that are designed ground up for VR, which alien isolation specifically had a team building a VR version of the game while developing the actual game. It WAS built for VR – Vorpx is NEVER going to compare to native VR, if thats your barometer, then yeah, you wont get that experience out of Vorpx.
And honestly asking this to ‘work out of the box’ is just simply impossible. Vorpx is doing what these games were fundamentally not ‘built’ to do (which in the case of Alien Isolation, it was built for VR, thats why you found that good mod – its not a mod, theyre just skipping the command line stuff i had to do 5 years ago with the DK2)
So.. yeah, if youre basing it off of ‘it doesnt compare to REAL VR titles’… then no, Vorpx will never be what you want it to be.
If youre willing to say “hey playing dishonored 1 and 2 in full 3d, leaning around corners and everything sounds cool without motion controls – but i might have to fiddle with some settings for 20 minutes”… then youre a Vorpx user. If you dont want to have those kinds of game experiences, then yeah, its just not a program for you unfortunately.
I wish there was an easier way to do this stuff, but honestly, the tech here in vorpx is grade A compared to everything else on the market that even attempts to do what its doing. There have been others before, im not sure how long youve been in the VR communnity, but there were like 4 of these programs going around during DK2 days of trying to ‘turn old games’ in 3d vr games and Vorpx ended up being the best of the bunch that were trying it.. but this is all from like 4 years ago, if you werent around for all that then i can understand you not have the perspective of just how good vorpx is… cause i tried the alternatives.. they were not good. Vorpx works.. if youre willing to work with it. The others – they just didnt even have the basics down.. and thankfully Vorpx survived and we still getting updates :)
but if youre looking for a fun game anyhow – just tried walking dead saints and sinners.. its amazing! Go check out some vids of it if you get a chance, but totally worth a purchase, i think atleast
Jan 24, 2020 at 12:11am #192044Ralf
KeymasterYou shouldn’t have to adjust the FOV manually for Bioshok (or any other game in the beginner’s list). vorpX does that automatically for Bioshock and about 150 more games.
For the original version the FOV is adjusted by the DirectVR memory scanner. For the remaster by auto editing the game’s ini file.
Reset the profile to default in the config app and afterwards make sure to follow any instructions that vorpX might display when you start the game.
BTW: The best way to play Bioshock with vorpX is the original version using DX9.
BTW2: Always read all messages that vorpX displays in the headset and the top left corner of the game window! These messages usually contain vital information, e.g. the above hint regarding the memory scanner if supported for a game.
Jan 24, 2020 at 1:44am #192046TheBalt
Participantalso want to add – my walking dead saints and sinners recommendation was purely based on if youre okay with graphic violence cause you are doing some horrible stuff in this game lol. so if youre not okay with pretty extreme gore and violence, dont get this lol.
its fun tho, try it out if youre okay with that stuff :P
Jan 24, 2020 at 5:29pm #192052torm
Participant@Ralf – ok, but how can i get rid of this “upscaled” feeling? – it’s really wired to play that way.
@TheBalt – i’m on VR community since vive – sot pretty early, but i was always playing original VR games – the best one for me (for now) was Hellblade: Senua’s Sacrifice – after finishing i’ve got vorpX to play some full title again but as i said it’s not even touching that experience.I’ll try walking dead – thanks for mentioning.
Jan 24, 2020 at 5:58pm #192053Ralf
KeymasterI’m not really sure what you mean by “upscaled” feeleing. If you find the image to blurry, you can run games at higher resolutions.
The “Custom Resolutions” section in the help explains how to add resolutions to your PC that it cannot display normally, including a step-by-step guide. Once you added the custom resolutions you can select a quality preset on the DirectVR page of the vorpX menu.
if by “upscaled” you mean that the FOV is too low then stick to games from the beginner’s list linked above for now and make sure to follow all instructions vorpX may display on start. In these (and more) games vorpX adjusts the FOV automatically one way or the other. Until you have a better understanding of the various options you have to deal with FOV yourself that’s probably better.
Jan 24, 2020 at 10:27pm #192055torm
Participant@Ralf by “upscaled” feeling i mean everything in the scene is so big and close to me. So i’m pretty sure it’s about FOV. I was trying to adjust it automatically but i always ended up with the same result. “Upscaled” or distorted.
Jan 25, 2020 at 12:31am #192056Ralf
KeymasterPlease do a full factory reset in the config app (‘Trouble Shooting’) and then stick to games in the “Good FullVR Games for Beginners” list for now that I linked above until you have a better understanding how things work. For all games in this list vorpX adjusts the FOV automatically to exactly match your headset FOV without you having to do anything besides pressing a button if vorpX prompts you to do so.
If the FOV is handled by the DirectVR memory scanner, make sure to run the scanner after entering the actual game, not in the menu.
If the FOV is handled by auto adjusting a game’s ini file, make sure to restart the game when vorpX recommends that to apply the changed FOV.
BTW: Just in case, not suggesting anything: also make sure to always use official game versions. In rare cases pirated versions may store game settings not where they are supposed to be, so that vorpX may not be able to locate the config files to change. Also the memory scanner may fail in some cases with pirated games if it has a significantly different memory layout compared to the legit version.
Jan 25, 2020 at 1:31am #192057torm
ParticipantWell i have to admit – after setting everything like in the window showed on the screen Bioshock worked as a charm – pretty awesome.
I will test some more games from beginners list at let you know how that worked out.
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