Games that would rock with VorpX (Geometry) support.

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  • #111904

    Hey Ralf,
    I’m sure you get a million of these, but here is a list of games that would absolutely rock with VorpX support. (In Geometry of course)

    – Stranded Deep
    – Layers of Fear
    – AC4 Black Flag (or AC Unity)
    – The Forest
    – Dark Souls 3
    – Far Cry 4
    – Mad Max
    – SOMA
    – Splinter Cell Blacklist
    – DE Mankind Divided
    – Metal Gear Solid 5 Phantom Pain
    – Witcher 3

    Let me know what you think, or what is do-able in the future…


    A few of these sound like great candidates. The next update is pretty much tech focused with the addition of the new Direct VR feature which requires a new kind of profiles itself, so there won’t be many new 3D profiles this time (again). But as soon as that is finally done, the focus will shift to new 3D profiles for the holiday season update.

    What I can definitely say is that SOMA unfortunately won’t happen. I looked at that one right after it was released. It’s a perfect fit for VR, but uses OpenGL instead of DirectX. While vorpX does have full support for older OpenGL titles, newer ones mostly are 2D only, and due to the relatively small number of OpenGL games it’s unlikely that there will be full support for newer OpenGL versions soon.

    BTW: I would still heavily recommend SOMA for vorpX gaming even in 2D. One of the very few games I played myself besides playing for work over the last year (at least until I got stuck).


    Heck, I’ll take any of those other games. I find it impossible to go back to regular 2D games after playing so much with VorpX.
    I have a HTC-Vive myself, so I’m liking the Vive support so far (keep it up!). Been playing fallout 4 with it, and loving it. Playing in Lounge mode, geometry, close up is just like being in actual VR without losing all the UI stuff. Absolutely Love it! Best thing I’ve experienced in gaming for years!!

    Definitely add as many games support in Geometry as you can, that’s my 2 cents. And keep the Vive branch up to date as well, its been great so far!


    new 3D profiles for the holiday season? My birthday is on christmas day, and all I want for both is Dying Light in full geo3D vorpx mode! Haha Hopefully Santa’s elves can learn to code..

    Also yes, Mad Max would be pretty neat, driving around the wasteland in that cockpit view in VR..

    p.p.s. I thought some people were saying here on the forums that they got Layers of Fear up and running in full Geo3D. I haven’t tried it myself but I seem to remember reading a thread about it


    I’m not sure how hard it is to add them, but PLEASE try to do this in one of your upcoming releases!! A few more games like these would go a long way!!


    look, this is outrageously stupid, but can anyone help me create a cloud user name and password? its driving me insane. when i click the “new account” tab in “cloud profiles” no window opens at all??? has anyone else has that problem? it shows up on my task bar, but im unable to actually get it to come up so i can type anything in!!!!

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