Hi i have a gerneral question to the handeling of vorpx.
If i have a game like CS:GO, that is not in the general support list of VorpX, can i setup this manual, and run it with a other profile, like HL2 (with 3D support like the HL2 profile) ?
i have not use Vorpx before, and i wait for the DK2 update to buy.
Given that vorpX is able to hook into an unsupported game, it will usually run without Stereo 3D but the most important VR functionality (head tracking etc.) working.
To get S3D in unsupported games you can try to rename the game .exe to a known game using the same engine (hl2.exe for example in case of CS), but that may or may not work at all. Even if it works in general, the result will be less than stellar in most cases. Almost all newer titles require game specific effect fixes.