Geometry 3D

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    I think we need more games with Geometry 3D support. I think its the only real 3D. Games like battlefield 4 and GTA 5 need it. Please do it.


    Yes, i agree, its the only thing that makes it worth it for me


    My question is a bit more general, but does anyone know exactly what determines which games support Geaometry 3D rendering and which ones don’t?

    I’ve been sort of going under the assumption that the answer to that might vary, but that perhaps certain games (due to their engine) might make this nearly, if not definitively impossible, whereas other games might just work naturally. Maybe some games just work with it right out of the gate?

    I’d be curious to know what kind/how much work generally goes into getting this support up and running. I’m sure a lot of us would like to think you just go in and flip a switch, but it’s probably much more complicated than that, and on a per-game basis, which probably means that adding support to an ever growing list of games becomes a bit like triage? Choosing which games are worth it based on demand v.s. how much time and effort it would take to make it worth it?

    Someone let me know if I’m way off base or not, haha.


    Making a 3d profile should be roughly like that:

    – you run the game with the injector and the injector gives you a list with all the shaders it finds in the game (could be hundreds)

    – You have to enable certain shaders (characters, world, lights, shadows…) and test if they work

    – you have to correct/disable any non functioning shaders by e.g. inverting them or lowering the scale/seperation…

    – if a shader can’t be corrected, it will appear wrong in the game (often lights or shadows), disabeling these shaders would remove the object from the game or make it appear only in 2d (often done with shadows)

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