Ok, so I’ve been fighting to get games at playable speeds for quite some time with Vorpx. Games played worse than expected in my computer: i5 750, 8gb ram, 7970, windows 7, some of them at unplayable levels, so I went for an upgrade and got a i5 4690k, gtx 970, 8gb ram 2400hz, 120gb SSD, and windows 8.
So the games I tried worked great, but since my 120gb SSD run out of space fast, I installed Dishonored in my old HDD that I use as secondary, and I was surprised that I was getting low fps even with that computer. However once I installed it on the SSD, it worked like butter, so the cheapest part of the upgrade meant a lot more than I expected.
So to sum it up, if you want to use Vorpx, you should upgrade to a SSD now if you haven’t already!