Got Panzer Dragoon Remake to work but…..

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    I just got Panzer Dragoon Remake to work using the Subnautica (rift) profile. And it’s definitely in 3D/VR. But, you have to turn head tracking off or the controller won’t work.

    Also, apart from what the settings are at concerning the 3D/VR effect. Changing the 3D slider doesn’t change or enhance the 3D at all. It’s stuck in what it’s at.

    If anyone wants to try to make a better more customizable profile here is a list of Unity games and profiles found in the VorpX cloud. So far I’ve only gotten this one to work.

    bug fables
    cooking simulaor
    My friend Padro
    nascar heat 4
    outer wilds
    pathologic 2
    risk of rain 2
    void bastards try
    Yooka impossible lair

    Far Lone Sails
    Ghost of a tale
    Green Hell
    House Flipper
    Katamari Demacy Reroll
    Nascar heat 3
    pathfinder kingmaker
    two point hospital


    Also, the intro cutscene freezes with only the sound playing. So, you will have to watch the intro normally before you play in VR.


    Actually, all cutscenes freeze, sorry. But all the levels and gamepaly are still in full VR.


    Ghost of a tale and Outer Wilds have dedicated VR mods, that are much better than just vorpx hack


    Are you saying that a custom profile made with Ghost of a Tale would work better for Panzer Dragoon Remake? I tried Outer Wilds and it didn’t work.


    I tried the Subnautica Rift Profile and it definitely does not do anything other than hose the cutscenes, at least on my PC. The slider obviously doesn’t work because it’s not being rendered in 3D.

    I tried a number of profiles with similar results. I turned anti-aliasing off but that made no difference. I had some luck with the Metro Exodus profile, but again, no cutscenes.


    The Subnautica rift profile does make PD Remake 3D though, you just can’t adjust the intensity of it. With the Metro Exodus profile can you adjust the strength of the 3D, or is it fixed?


    There’s no G3D with the Metro Exodus profile but it appears to work with z-normal/adaptive on very low settings. I really haven’t had the time to play with it to see if it’s stable or not.

    The subnautica profile simply does not work on my PC. All modes, including disabled, appear exactly the same. It looks exactly the same as if I were running it in virtual desktop. Maybe there’s an issue with anti-aliasing or difference between amd/nvidia gpu’s, but there should be a distinct difference between reconstruction disabled and any other mode that’s working.


    Damn…I wish someone could get this to work properly…


    I don’t know what’s up with the cutscenes, but reshade causes the same problem. Virtual Desktop does not, however. Probably something to do with the swapchain, but that’s just a guess. In any event, a different profile is not likely to solve the problem because vorpx will run it without a profile, but still chokes on the cutscenes.


    Well, despite the cutscenes it would be nice if we could at least control the intensity of the 3D…


    Well, I got around to trying the Outer Wilds profile and while the G3D doesn’t work, the z-normal and z-adaptive work very well and are fully adjustable.

    When you say it didn’t work for you, does that mean no geometry reconstruction or no 3D at all?


    I just had black screen…Which Outer Wilds profile did you use? Was it the one by Steph? Could you upload the custom profile you made for Panzer Dragoon to the cloud?


    I tried them both profiles. Z-normal and z-adaptive work in both. Geometry will give you a black screen.

    I lost all of my profiles yesterday when the config app crashed and had to do a re-install so I’ve got nothing to upload. In any event, the Outer Wilds profiles work much better than what I had.


    I just tried the Outer Wilds profile and whatever Z-normal and z-adaptive is, it’s not in 3D. Sure I can see the image on the screen, but there is no depth like in the Subnautica profile. I guess for me the only profile that has any sense of 3D at all is the Subnautica rift profile. Still can’t view cutscenes though you’ll have to skip them….

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