Hi Ralf,
If this is the incorrect place to post this thread, I do apologize.
I own a CV1, and I would really love to play an online game called ‘Grand Fantasia’ in it.
It’s an MMO I’ve played for the past 5 or so years, it’s fairly small and rather niche – I’m not certain how long it will be around for.
When attempting to load the game up in the CV1 I get the message “GrandFantasia.exe is having trouble loading”, or words to that effect.
I can get around this by starting VorpX in Desktop mode, then switching out of Virtual Living Room.
Unfortunately however it takes some time to load – and when I do reach this stage, 3D Head tracking is not enabled, meaning either the entire world moves with my head or nothing moves at all.
I don’t expect you to make an exception for me alone, as I’m likely to be the only person wanting to play this game in VR, but I’d really appreciate it if you could give it a look over to see whether or not this is fixable as it would be a particularly special experience to me.
Many thanks,