I prefer redux to 2033 and already have that installed and running with vorpx, otherwise I’d just try regular 2033. However, it’s not running exactly right. I’ve tried all settings exhaustively, also googled many times now. I can’t seem to find my particular problem anywhere. I’ve even tried running in all screen modes as well as geometry off and both adaptive modes. adaptive will cut all bodies in half so that’s even worse. The basic problem is that even thought 3 quarters of my screen is running o.k., the bottom half will take the last part of the visuals and seems to stretch them with perfect vertical lines. to the point where you can’t make anything out. I’ve never seen anything like it and 4D is relatively new so I have no clue as to a workaround. I’ve been simply playing & ignoring it but it’s rather difficult to ignore being that it’s the entire bottom of the screen and 100% of gameplay. It doens’t seem to effect cut scenes. Any tips appreciated as I’m out of ideas and have tried many of the settings in the vorpx menu already. Thanks ahead.