Hard system crash after every exit of any game

Homepage Forums Technical Support Hard system crash after every exit of any game

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  • #218521

    I came back to Vorpx with my new system but exiting every game crashes this perfectly fine system completely. I already ran a lot of VR and pancake games on it without any trouble.

    Its a G2 Headset on Windows 11 and its also pretty high end. The Games were all on Steam so far.
    Kingdome Come Deliverance, Baldurs Gate 3 etc

    Please help, it looked great until i tried to restart them because of changed settings.


    Im sorry for second post edit didnt work.

    Kingdome Come Deliverance for example is suddenly set to Japanese and even crashes everything at the intro now (No ctrl alt del possible just powerbutton restart) with the message:
    Playerprofiles cgamescontext Startgame User ‘my windowsname’ hast No active profile
    Baldurs Gate needs verification and doesnt start now anymore too.


    Fixed by switching to steamvr! its an wmr headset but hey its working now

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