Two days ago, I bought this e-mail software:
Until now you did not send me the product key and its downloading and saw that I bought asking Stlsho the download and the – key please send me today.
Did you follow the instructions in the license dialog and sent us your request code? Unfortunately we did not receive an e-mail with the request code from you. This code is required to create your key.
If you already did send it, please contact support |at| vorpx com with an alternative e-mail address or use the contact fom in support menu above since in that case there seems to be an issue with receiving mails from your first address.
Peace has already passed more than 48 and have not got the key I just downloaded
Please send me the key thanks.
It’s the details:
E-Mail: [removed]
Request Code: [removed]
Prefer you send me the key here: [removed]
Seeks help me soon … thanks.