I was a bit on the fence about vorpx.. But I bought it back in my DK2 days and thought it wouldnt hurt to try it with my cv1 now that i got it.
It works amazing!! I mostly do old school shooters.
I made Quake with darkplaces and mods work in vorpx, its awesome!!
Also Rage and Dusk works great now and I made profiles for those games in the cloud.
Now I look at Amid Evil. Its is UE4 engine..
How does UE4 runs with vorpx?? Are there any profiles I can use?
In contrast to UE3 there is no engine specific general profile for UE4, but you can try the following UE4 games as a base, with some luck one will work: ABZU, Hellblade: Senua’s Sacrifice, The Turing Test, Conarium.