Ive installed and activated which is fine. I can start vorpx, however when i click on the configuration tool, i get an error saying insufficient system resources exist to complete the requested service
Can anyone advise please?
Im running a laptop with an i7 processor, 24gb ram and a gtx 1070.
I have no trouble whatsoever playing any games, normally or vr
If you use anything else than Windows Defender, try to disable your AV program or exclude the vorpX program folder (C:\Program Files (x86)\Animation Labs\vorpX) from scanning.
Caveat: some particularly invasive AV scanners may require you to disable several modules or may not allow you to disable them at all unless you uninstall them.
In such a case switching to Windows Defender is highly recommend. Windows Defender automatically kicks in on Windows 10 when you uninstall third party AV programs and provides good protection without being as invasive as some other AV solutions.