I (think I) know what head tracking is and how it works and what settings are there. I already used in imersive mode, where I can turn my head by that turn the camera in game slightly (depending on setting). But if I turn the head I will also look at the border of the screen unless I make the screen bigger than my view.
1st Question/Suggestion:
Wouldn’t it be good if (in immersive mode) not only the in game camera moves with my head but also the virtual screen?
This way I would always see the full screen and no borders. I could even turn my head arround like in full VR.
Currently I am playing Good of War using virtual desktop + 3D mod. Only this way I was able to get good geo-3D.
2nd Question:
How can I make head tracking work in virtual desktop?
I understnad that it is probably not desired to move the mouse cursor with the head on the desktop, but after starting the game I would like to switch it on.
Happy Easter!