Head Tracking Grid Snap Low DPI

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  • #110777

    Hi All,
    A few people have mentioned that the head tracking feels like it snapping to a grid. That’s exactly the issue I am having. I am using oculus CV1 and with the rfactor 1,2 graphic engines. The slightest of head movement easily confirms that the image has the appearance of snapping to a grid. This is not a FPS issue. It really seems like a low mouse DPI problem.

    My Question:

    VORPX uses mouse emulation and my mouse is a standard mouse/standard driver and has no DPI adjustments. If I was to buy a hi-resolution gaming mouse with adjustable DPI settings would VORPX use these settings/driver?

    Thanks much!


    Would like to second this post. rF1/2 (and GTR2 for that sake) are deepest motorsport simulators available, as of now. It would be nice if developers could revisit headtracking in those titles, or at least clarify if it is a technical limitation in how game responds to mouse look, or something that they can improve in the future?


    How a game translates mouse movement to camera rotation depends indeed on the game. One things that often can improve things is disabling mouse acceleration, which can be done on a per game basis in the vorpX ingame menu (input page).


    I disabled mouse acceleration already, it makes centering stay in place longer. But, thanks for clarification, Ralf. Sounds like this is beyond your control.

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