Head tracking just stopped working all the sudden

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    I have been playing Black Mesa and am using the official Vorpx profile. The game was working fine and I got about halfway through the game when all the sudden the head tracking stopped working. When I move my head the screen barely moves. Also all of a sudden when I turn with my controller the screen moves super fast and is uncontrollable. Not sure if I accidentally pressed something wrong. I tried doing a direct scan but that did not fix the issue. I set the settings to default and then imported the profile again, but the problem still persists. Any ideas?




    When you make posts like these on forums “solved” is the worst follow up. Ive read so much angry comments of peopel looking for solutions to their problem and then finding someone with similar one of ancient forums with only “solved” as a solution.

    Since I know how you did it I will just put it here:

    “Solved” = “I had to empty the cache and then do a direct scan and it fixed itself.”

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