Head tracking problem in Alien:Isolation with Vive

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    Alien:Isolation is my first try with vorpx. I got a HTC Vive, a GeForce 970 and Win10. I followed the instructions and troubleshooting found on the first google page. I got the view running nicely on my vive but the head tracking is not working properly.
    I understand that you have to calibrate the sensitivity so that you turn the same angle in the game like you do with your head. But I’m experiencing a stutter which leads to a mismatch when turning for example 90° left and then back. This is somewhat dependent on the speed which I am turning. A higher sensitivity leads to a higher mismatch when turning back but doesn’t reduce the stutter. The tracking for the vorpx menu (fixed position relative to head) works perfectly and any other application works without any head tracking problem, too.

    Thanks for any help.

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