Head tracking stutter in edge peek or virtual cinema

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  • #80975

    Hi everyone,

    I purchased vorpx yesterday and i have a little problem. I feel some head tracking stutter when using edge peek mode or cinema mode (while there’s no stutter at all when i do not use these two modes).
    Any idea why?


    This depends on the game framerate. Anything less than rock solid 75fps causes judder. The judder is probably just more apparent in these modes as they are a bit more demanding than the normal mode.

    If you are sensitive to low framerate issues and a game supports both 3D methods, you may want to consider switching to Z-Buffer 3D in such cases, which trades 3D-fidelity for speed.

    Loosely related: If you have an nVidia card, I would recommend to set the Vsync mode in the nVidia control panel to Adaptive Vsync. Doesn’t solve low framerate issues, but helps mitigate them.


    I also noticed this.
    Might it be possible to decouple the games frame rate from the virtual cinema’s?
    This would mean if the game runs to slow we see the game juddering on the virtual screen but the head tracking could still be smooth.


    Probably the modification of parameters of the game, for example
    Smooth Frame – in false, and other tweak + vSync adaptative
    ¿Could this solve or improve the experience in the virtual room just as it does standard vr?


    @ initcrash: This will be looked into for a future release. No promises, but there are several options to achieve this.

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