Most likely support for Take On Helicopters will be added shortly, it’s based on an engine that works fine with vorpX, it’s already on the list.
Never heard of newer Apache sims until today, but there seems to be game called Apache Air Assault which might work with vorpX, I guess that’s the one you mean. As always, no promises, but I’ll take a look at it.
I don’t know about Apache:AA, but your best bet by far for Oculus action in a helicopter is DCS: Black Shark (or Huey, if you lean that way). It can be dialed down to be pretty game-ish, but it already works with current Oculus headsets. The only downside is the horsepower required to run it, and the res makes it hard to read a HUD or small dials. It’s still pretty excellent.
I imagine EECH will eventually be modded for Oculus, but it’s getting pretty dated.