I am just now moving from console gaming to PC gaming. Question about the games that are supported in stereoscopic 3d for the rift: Are these games all, or mostly, through STEAM? Not sure how this works. Do I have to have standalone versions of the games, and if so, where do I get them?
For the most part STEAM is probably the easiest way to get your hands on PC games these days. It’s cool because its easy and they have just about every game on there and many times cheaper then retail. It’s crappy because if you have sub par internet connection, or restrictions downloading 60GBs every other game can be a deal breaker. I also don’t care much for their business practices and policies but I digress. I would rather buy boxed versions but those are almost extinct at this rate. Some companies now sell a “boxed” version but it’s just a DVD with the steam app on it. Others still do a full release. GTA V for instance came on like 6-7 DVDs so some games still are available in physical formats. 9 times out of 10 if it’s a more modern game STEAM will have it so as much as I don’t like them, they’re where we PC gamers get most of our stuff.
I think it depends on the game itself. I already played Diablo 3 with some kind of 3D support provided by vorpX. Actually, that is one of the “supported” games and no steam game. Further, all of these games can be bought somewhere else. So, I think you won’t need Steam to use vorpX.
I guess what I want to know is, do you get the full vr mode support on steam as you would with standalone games, with steam, or do I need to buy the standalone games to get full vr?