HELP HTC cosmos

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    Hello, I bought the software because I have an HTC cosmos, but in hand controller list , I don’t see the joysticks of the htc cosmos … ?


    HTC Cosmos has been reported as the worst tracking device on the market and its quite unpopular, I bet Ralf hasnt even considered it to include it.

    I dont know much about it, but it might count as WMR device, so wme controller might work on top of that steamvr has rebind feature and if you run a game with vorpx, then go to steamvr rebind list and find vorpx there is an option in one of tabs of rebind menu to “act as vive, rift, index controller” or something, havent tested it myself but it might be what you want.

    Lastly there is a software to emulate gamepads/wheels/hotas on controllers here you might try it, basically same as worpx does.


    @ jiwix: The controllers have the same layout as the Oculus Touch controllers. I’m pretty sure that will work. Let me know if not.


    @Smoils in 2021 htc cosmos have good maj for fix the tracking

    @Ralf OK thanks you ^^

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