help needed on vorpx 0.75 beta

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    meanwhile i m lost n helpless…
    I got the Rift DK2, Window 8.1, Radeon 7800, runtime 0.44, firmware 2.12

    I installed the runtime and deinstalled the camera driver from Oculus (i read it wont work on windows 8.1), the demo in the rift config with the desk runs. :)
    But the vorpx wont find the rift, so i get no tray icon…
    I bought the vorpx on Friday.. – Is the 0.75 beta the actual version? No final 0.75 yet?

    want can i do?

    Thanks & regards,



    An incomplete runtime install is a bad idea, at least in regard to vorpX. Please reinstall the latest runtime and do not uninstall anything afterwards. The camera should work just fine in Wondows 8.1 if everything is in order with your Rift.


    I have windows 8.1 and the camera works fine, this is the first time I read that the camera doesn’t work in windows 8.1.


    good to hear!
    But I still got problems and it vorpx doesnt start.

    This is what I did after Ralphs comment:
    Install the complete runtime with both drivers. I see them installed
    under windows – setting – programs.
    Install the vorpx 0.75 beta again.
    Rift works with the chair demo. But vorpx says no rift connected..

    I see two windows drivers dk2 camera and dk2 rift under windows devices.
    I have the display expanded to second screen. the oculus server is running and connected (the oculus config Program shows the rift)
    vorp doesnt start, so i get no try icon..

    Must both displays in the windows display config have the same resolution or does it not matter? Must i activate the windows “3d video option”? When i do
    windows says one resolution must be changed.. – or totally wrong track..?

    Still help needed..



    oh.. ich sehe Ich könnte auch gleich deutsch schreiben ;)

    Hilfe Ralf!! :))


    vorpX only calls the standard Oculus init function, nothing fancy. All I can recommend are general things like reinstalling the 0.4.4 runtime, switching USB ports, checking cables, making sure that no other programs accesses the Rift while using vorpX.

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