Help configuring a game for the first time (Rebel Galaxy Outlaw)

Homepage Forums Game Hints and Settings Help configuring a game for the first time (Rebel Galaxy Outlaw)

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    I know, I know… I’m a couple years late for the prom here, but I was wondering if I could get some help with Rebel Galaxy Outlaw. I’ve never tried to do a game before that there wasn’t a profile for.

    The game launches with Cinema Mode okay after hooking it, but it won’t give me the option to enable 3d at all. Is there a way I can get it to do that? I’d love to get it to do full geometry VR with head-tracking, of course. Is that even possible?

    Thanks in advance.


    First step is to find out what game engine it uses.. then look for an existing profile that uses the same engine. Then it’s a case of trial and error till u find one that does some form of 3d.


    According to , it uses the Ogre engine. Maybe try the Torchlight 2 profiles from rjkole or bkoponen which use that engine. Or Hob profile by sharkS.


    Did you ever get this working? I love this game’s GAMEPLAY, it’s basically a 3D ripoff of Wing Commander Privateer… with a bunch of woke garbage.

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