Just wanted to share. Perhaps may help someone.
I have DK2
Have 1.3 Oculus Sdk installed and use Oculus switcher to switch from 0.8 sdk(insalled) to 1.3
Original update via vorpx 0.9.1 with 0.8 sdk chosen would result in start of installation and immediate rollback. So I have read the forum and Ralf’s comments. Here is step by step instructions which worked for me.
Used the runtime switcher to allow 0.8 run side by side with 1.3
https://www.reddit.com/r/oculus/comments/4ckm38/oculus_runtime_switcher_0506070813_with_gui/Make sure you are on 0.8 and vorpx is started to update.
Remember where update is download in C:\Users\(Username)\AppData\Local\Temp\vxs-(numbers)
Quickly copy update file onto desktop or other place before system has deleted it.
Now vorpx will go through and say it rollback changes no problem.
Next in oculus switcher switch to 1.3 sdk
Now vorpx will update normally (may complain that chrome or Cortana open, but should be ok)
Basic trick is that update is downloaded if you are on 0.8 sdk and installed when you are on 1.3
Hope it helps.