Hey guys what do you think about Odyssey Plus

Homepage Forums General vorpX Discussion Hey guys what do you think about Odyssey Plus

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    I’m thinking of picking up this thing, Vorpx deserves a better than a SDE infested HMD and my Rift is full of it. This thanksgiving sale 299 seems like as good an excuse as any. How does it behave with Vorpx ?


    I just bought one, should be delivered soon. Hoping its an upgrade from my Vive, but we’ll see.


    So far I am absolutely loving it. After you get the weirdness of the fit figured out, its very comfortable, much more so that the Vive was for me. Also the display is MILES better then the Rift or Vive. I don’t think I could go back to the Vive.

    On a side note, I had to mod it with Velcro to get rid of the light bleed.

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