Highlighting the contours of objects

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    Modern VR-helmets have a screen resolution that is not yet high enough to have the same picture quality as the monitor. Therefore, an opponent at some distance in the game, which is perfectly visible on the monitor screen, turns into a bunch of pixels that merge with the background on a VR-helmet screen. Is it possible to highlight the contours of objects using depth map information to visually separate them from the environment? If it is theoretically possible, It would be fine to see this feature in future updates of the vorpX.


    Seems like a tough ask. For one, which objects do you highlight? Games are all different. Some have enemies, some dont. Some have thousands of “objects”. Would be better implemented at the game level.


    The depth map is a black-and-white image. The boundaries between black and white will be the contours of the objects. VorpX runs games that are not optimized for VR, and of course, highlighting the contours of objects in this games is not implemented.

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